Sorry Bernie-Fans, Dr Jill Stein is a Protest Candidate, Not Your Plan B

Source: Drew Angerer/Getty Images News/ Getty Images

When Bernie Sanders lost the California primary, the media was quick to claim that Hillary Clinton won the nomination. The Sanders camp was furious. One half argued the press was jumping the gun too quickly. No way could she be declared one, seeing how the convention is in July. According to them it was disrespectful to Sanders, who just declared he will bring the fight to the convention. Another half admitted defeat and honestly believes that they can shape the Democrat party in Sanders’ image next election.

Liberals Need To Be Honest in the Gun-Control Debate

AR-15 has been the buzzword being thrown around after the Orlando shooting. It is of course, the same rifle that the media is quick to point out, the same rifle used by the Sandy Hook shooter and the Aurora shooter. Another buzzword attached to this debate is “assault rifles.”

So the debate now revolves around banning “assault rifles” and AR-15 has been labelled as an automatic rifle. Right after the shooting, democrats chanted “where’s the bill?” They demanded that Republicans take responsibility for the atrocities and pass laws to regulate these rifles.

However this line of calling a ban on assault rifles only harms the liberal cause in reducing gun violence. This only allows room for Republicans to point out how out of touch they are from the technicalities of guns.

The False Hope of the Sharing Economy

Source: Uber

“You need to spend money, to make money” says an old business adage. In other words, you need capital to start a business. This meant only a select few can actually start an enterprise with ease. For those who lost the birth lottery, the answer would come either in loans or accumulating said capital from a previous job.

The sharing economy was packaged or at least, reframed by their proponents, to shake up those basic capitalist tenets. In a world where being saddled by debt is the norm and where pop culture loves to portray the modern office as dead end jobs, the sharing economy paints everything as an under-utilized asset.

Dear Anselmo Apologists: Here’s Why Comparing “White Power” and "Black Power" Does Not Make Sense

Source: Melanin DVDs

At this point, almost everyone has heard of Phil Anselmo’s antics at Dimebash this year. At the end of the event, the former vocalist of Pantera and currently of Down, made the NAZI salute while shouting white power.

This was not some dungeon neo-NAZI wannabe band singer. Pantera and Down were some of the biggest bands in Metal in the 90s. Down still produces records until today and don’t seem to be halting anytime soon. His voice is heard by many Metalheads, young and old.

How Debating Changed My Life (And Could Change Yours)

The Malaysian contingent at NTU UADC 2014 (Singapore) | Source: UT MARA Debate Society

The room was full of tension. Sitting across us in the government bench were the University of Western Canada. Next to them in their opening half was the University of Belgrade. On our right was the University of British Columbia, debating as our opening opposition. The motion of the round was “This House Regrets the commodification of Indigenous Culture.”

7 Common Misconceptions on the Malaysian Agreement 1963

Source: Borneo Post

The Malaysian Agreement 1963 is the most important document in Malaysia. Without it, our nation wouldn’t exist. However, there are a few misconceptions that you (probably) have.

So in the spirit of Hari Malaysia, here’s to learning something about the country.